Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Changing your mind with flowers - your body will thank you for it

Being in the field or business of energy medicine, I am completely taken by flower remedies, aka vibrational flower essences.  Perhaps you have heard of Bach Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy, which has existed since I have considered myself a grown up and you can pretty much get at every check out aisle at Whole Foods.  It is basically the vibrational essence of the flower and the qualities it represents affect your emotional body, aka emotional state and awareness. 

  You see, we are constantly reacting to our environment and our thoughts.  When we do take the time to go for a walk in nature to 'clear our mind' don't we immediately feel better?  Sometimes it is the oxygen and sometimes it may feel like it is the color therapy of the green leaves of the trees and the smiling faces of wild flowers and sun setting.  What if this is more healing than we can even imagine?

Well, if you can imagine it, it is most likely possible.  Now, flower essences are done by simply placing the freshly picked flower into a bowl of spring water and placing it into the sun.  The life essence or life force, then transfers into the water with the vibrant assistance of the sun.  Then you remove florals and preserve the water with brandy or vodka, so it will not spoil.  Somehow, in your imagination or not, this life force can be transferred to you as you place drops diluted in water into your water bottle or directly under the tongue, subtle like homeopathics, yet potent, like a huge hike in nature.  

  These flowers and plants assist us in our energetic fields to upgrade our previous states, like trauma or shock, which Rescue Remedy is designed for.  The best part is, you can not over dose on it, and if you happen to be a sensitive creature, you will notice results and assistance they provide immediately.  As I have upgraded my field and lived in a tropical island for the last 2 years, the flowers around me started speaking to me.  The recipe fell into my hands by a divine fairy, and before you knew it - I had a garden full of pharmaceutical benefits! 

  I have googled every one of the flowers that started speaking to me and all their qualities are documented world wide.  I am happy to report that they have encouraged and supported me and I have been delighted to share them with friends and family.  This world is so abundant in free gifts from nature, we just have to tune into them and accept their help.. When we really receive their vibrant messages, it makes us connected to the greater good.

  Tapping and concentrating on acceptance, compassion and forgiveness with life's struggles is my passion, yet offering flowers to support your journey - what better helpers can you ask for?  If you google the myriad of essences available and what they can help you with, your mind will truly be blown....and what is best, is that even your pets will greatly benefit!  Imagine curing their behavioral problems or insecurities!  It will save you tons of money on vet bills, not to mention on your own psychiatry bills.  I just read about a woman who cured her severe cold by taking essence of apple every few hours!  

The truth is, your body knows,and the more you listen, the more in tune you will become and will gravitate towards more available methods of self healing.  Since last month, I have added purple water lily, moon-lit passion flower, pink plumeria, white plumeria blossom, red and pink hibiscus, fern, papyrus, ginger lily, moon-lit wild orchid and ohia lehua blossoms.  I have not been this lit up about an offering in a long time.   Here is an example of what plumeria blossom can help with:

 Helps you recognize the need for pleasure as an essential daily nutrient in your life. Gives you permission to enjoy healthy forms of pleasure, which nourish and enliven you. An antidote to over-seriousness, brings a lighthearted, playful outlook on life.

Pictured:  Wood Roses

Other findings:
Spiritual Body Benefits:
·      Powerful connection to Angelic Realm
·      Expanded Intuitive Knowing
·      Appreciation for Inner Beauty
·      Openness to Divine Guidance
Emotional Body Benefits Shift from:
.     Trauma to Calmness
·      Agitation to Inner Peace
·      Fear to Trust
·      Limitation/Restriction to Freedom
·      Distorted Self-Image to Self Love     
Mental Body Benefits:
·      Clarity of thoughts
·      Seeing life through new positive perspectives and points of view
·      Recognizing and letting go of mind chatter
Physical Body Benefits:
Since the physical body displays symptoms of emotional and mental beliefs and patterns as disorders, the use of “Plumeria from Lumeria”, assists with ailments and illnesses relative to patterns held in the mental and emotional realms listed. Symptoms identifying themselves in the body as ‘dis-ease’ based on issues of the mental and emotional levels listed above, will be addressed as inner shifts on the emotional and mental levels are balanced.
Physical Benefits include clearing symptoms based false beliefs that manifest in the physical body:
·      Denying Beauty in healthy body form
·      Vitality during all life phases and chronological age
·      Aging
·      Degenerating cells
·      Diseases, conditions, patterns based on family lineage
It has been infused and blessed with five gifts representing each of the five petals on the plumeria flower:
1.      Power and Light of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth
2.     Blessings of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Metatron and Raziel
3.     Love and Compassion of Quan Yin and Mother Mary

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