Friday, July 3, 2015

Do you know you were born with a unique design and owner's manual?

Well, that is at least how I felt when I was finally introduced to Human design in 2011.  A system of information that was handed down to a man named Ra, that goes by your birth info.  You then receive an image and print out of your bodygraph, which shows in which energy centers in your body you are defined or undefined.  It does have a whole new language, but nevertheless fascinating, and possibly life changing.

  I have been following western astrology, not studying it, but finding some foundation and finding relevance, resonance and understanding from it.  Now I know I am a triple Leo (and I assume that most would bring this up at some point) :) and that I do portray many of those characteristics, with the sun being the guiding planet of the Leo: charismatic, generous, cowardly, bold, bully, fiercely loyal, etc.

However, not until I was at a very low point in my life, looking for meaning and sense, did Human Design fall back onto my radar
 - and it was a huge sigh of relief.  It showed me what type of make and model of human I am, how I best function and what I am designed to do in society.  It is a valuable tool to see your whole families chart, as you get to see the energetic equation.  Imagine if a new parent knew how their child naturally operated, it would so assist the parenting process.

There are a number of youtube videos available on your profile and type, and you may experience your body relaxing as you start hearing this, although at first is a bit foreign.  You do not have to believe in anything to investigate this information, they simply call it an experiment.  It is all about surrendering to how your body feels and that it knows what you need and want.  It is an experiment to trust that your body knows, and going beyond the technology of your mind and enter into 'energy technology' -- of course I love this term, as an energy medicine practitioner.

Here is one of the best gifts I can give you, if you are questioning certain aspects of your life and are insatiable with personal inquiry.  May I serve as a sign post, by living my design:  I am an introspective risk-taker and can tell you where to go and what NOT to do, as I have been everywhere, and I can spare you some hassle.  And I am ineffective when I a Leo, I can tell you this made me feel impotent and unimportant, so in this struggle, finding out with HD, that I have to wait to be seen and invited, that is all I need to know.

My fulfillment is, that when you receive great benefit from this information, I will have done my job well.  To make this world a more intelligent planet.

To get your free RAVE chart:

Let me know what you learn and if this resonates in the comments below!


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