Friday, July 3, 2015

Turning spoons into money - how can we attract something we are afraid of?

How come I can't hold onto money?
Why do I only seem to get lucky sometimes and then it feels scarce again?
When am I ever going to make enough money to get out of debt?
What if I am scared of how hard I would have to work to make ends meet?

People never understand why they can't change their status quo.  In relationships, in finances, in their health. The common denominator is that the core belief is that you have to work harder and you don't really deserve good fortune on some secret level.  So you don't truly ask for what you want. 

Because what if you got something you don't even know that you can handle yet?  

In my field of personal development, people really only want to improve by thinking positive, yet their body is riddled with fear and anxiety.  People are having panic attacks all over the place.  They want a shift in their life and they do not want to face the music of all the bad experiences they have had in their lives.  They don't want to feel the painful memories that they tucked away at every turn, still looking for something better.

Well, guess what - the only way out is through. If you want abundance to come your way, you need to examine all 'dangerous' beliefs and feelings you have about money.  You may be surprised all the feeling you have that are building a brick wall from money to keep you safe! And asking for something we want, demand it - why that is poor behaviour - who would be rewarded for wanting and willing something to improve their life?

I have heard people say that money is scarce, you might be afraid of losing friends if you get rich, who will you become if you were successful, maybe one of your parents worked too hard and was never there, money breeds greed, it's blood money, it's dirty, it's fleeting, etc.`  When will we stop putting people on is good to have inspiration, support and praise, but truly, in spirit, there is no hierarchy.  If they can do it, so can you - they have just figured some things out before you.  What if you could access that it is your birthright to dream and ask for what you want.  

What if you change your perspective to: the universe wants to fulfill you?
What if we can forgive ourselves for being scared of out-doing our friends and family?  What if we released the fear to move away from people we love, just because we know it is time for us to expand?

What if we felt safe enough in body, mind and spirit to expectantly ask for our desires?  Make a list how you will benefit and who will benefit.  How would you give back?  How do you give back now?

Art by Barry Wilkinson, Big Island

Have you ever heard of bending spoons?  Have you ever tried it?  Go ahead and google it, you will find a few youtubes giving you instructions, I highly recommend trying it.  It will put you into childhood, magical awe.  It shows you that when you suspend belief, try something without attachment, demand it: "bend spoon!", then detach from the outcome, distract your thoughts for a minute, then try and push your spoon - it should just bend back with ease, as if melting under the touch of your fingers.  That moment is when you enter that magical space.

The outcome is, you receive a bent spoon.  What if you looked at money with curiosity, and then playfully command it to come to you.  What if you do it flirtatiously?  What if you see money as a key to improve your life and try and seduce it?  It is time to step into your power of your worthiness, decide how you want to feel or how much abundance you are choosing to create.  Then claim it, the universe is waiting for your order!

Here are some great commands after you state your wish confidently:

It's done!

          Come find me!

Let's do this!

          Deliver it!

It is commanded!

          I'm ready!

What would it take for you to inherently ask for what your heart truly desires, as detailed as you prefer, everything between that, de-story, release, delete, un-create.

Thank you.

You got this.  Anything can happen!


  1. Let's DO THIS! Thank you, I love this read... very well said! I will keep trying the spoon bending :)

  2. YES! Post pictures when you do...thanks for checking this out! :)
    And bend some money!!!
