Thursday, July 9, 2015

Calling in Rose Yoga ~ the Story of a Manifestation

Blogging challenge day 7....

Last year, I ended a 6 month coaching class, hoping I would start writing.  I never did write a thing.  I stated I wanted to start a movement called Rose Yoga.  But I started making jewelry:  empowering earrings, magic wands for your ears, to bring balance and courage on your journey.  Heart courage.  I dubbed it 'Rose Yoga' and fantasized starting a whole business around healing, with yoga, vibrational jewelry, aka rainbow warrior decor and tapping.  In groups, in private and on retreats.  Not to mention heart opening activities like swimming with dolphins!

  So, I started selling my jewelry at farmer's markets, making essential oil sprays called "Open", "Protection" and "Grounding" and I registered a Hawaii tax ID for GypsyRoseChariot, my designs.  I took a lot of pictures on my iphone and documented my surroundings in an isolated place, while my partner was working off island a lot.  I started tagging many of my pics with #roseyoga #gypsyrosechariot and #mahaloismybusiness.  I was the only person using these hashtags.  6 mos later, someone else in Australia was too.

  She was a yoga teacher in Sidney, her name was Michelle Rose and her business was Rose Yoga.  I thought, far out - that is really her name, so she deserves to use that cool name.  I started following her.  Over another 6 month period, we were both still using that hashtag.  Every time I saw one of beautiful, strong an powerful yoga shots, I was very inspired and the content of what she wrote about, was always about something I was just realizing in my life at the same time.  I was so mystified and jazzed that we were so connected in our consciousness. 

 I finally decided to google her and saw her website.  Everything she talked about was in alignment with my philosophy, work and way of addressing things in my life.  I watched all of her videos and wrote her instantly, sharing all the synchronicity.  I already had a red rose on my business card from the year before! I even had printed the word 'mahalo' on the back of it and had no idea I would end up living in Hawaii again at the time!  

Michelle responded instantly and before I knew it, I was enrolled in her 12 week apprenticeship to learn about opening your yin channel and step into balance and actually shift old patterns in your life.  Well, I gotta tell you, I am extremely picky and have a hard time trusting.  Turns out, she helped me immensely and in a week from now, she is arriving on island, where we are co-hosting 2 Rose Yoga Empowerment workshops.

Not to mention, that our work is so comparable, that she was so moved by my tapping session I introduced her to, that now I had to create a 12 week apprenticeship for her! Thanks to our auspicious union, I have a new dream to go to Australia and I officially opened my Gypsyrosechariot Training portal for people wanting to step into their heart courage, and cultivate a healing community around them in their home. 

 Thank you Michelle, for contributing to my life and inspiring me to create 3 new programs! So grateful to call myself an official Rose Yoga Personal Development Coach. :)

A few images from my rose yoga life...

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