Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Is like cloud busting. What are you swinging at? Is it really there? Where is it? Standing underneath the lodge that was built in the 1850's, an 8 hr horse and carriage ride from San Francisco. People used to come to these springs to get healed. People passed here in the process.
People also left here, leaving their crutches and wheelchairs behind. However, now, in the tool area underneath the building, it is really creepy and spooky. It feels like a dungeon. There is a vintage freezer that looks like a sarcophagus from Egypt. Trust me, not a place you want hang out in at 9 pm on a full moon. Yet somehow, I thought it was a good idea that now would be as good of a time as any to remove these lost souls.

Although this place is extremely beautiful, frequently I am reminded of The Shining, and although I never saw it, the tool area could be a backdrop for SAW. So, I grabbed a powerful stick, a sage stick that is, my secret weapon to battle the ghosties tonight...

Well, I was not afraid. I asked archangel Michael to protect me and surround me with the diamond shield, so nothing can penetrate me. I then asked what the entity's job was, and who were they before this, and before that, and before that, and before that, etc., and who would they be in the future? All this while waving the sage in yin-yang motions in the air, saying "this is Veruschka, it is November 2nd, 2009 and this place is transforming. You are no longer needed, it is time to go to your next assignment."

Then, I could energetically sense, that a soul had some heaviness and was blaming themselves, like they did not deserve to leave that dark area, and I did EFT with them and asked them to forgive themselves and move on. I forgave him. I tapped and saged and then cleared them through all time and space. The energy shifted, the darkest rooms felt comfy. The cats came in. Yep, you can even do EFT with the unseen. Then you say, "and so it is, and so it is and so it is..., thank you, thank you, thank you." It seems like I removed at least 1 to 5 ghosts, but hard to say. I'll keep you posted. The one I ghost-busted out of my cabin the night before is gone for sure, they were just being curious. Just make sure you are being like the alpha dog and puffing up your presence and speaking with strength and confidence, you are just giving them directions to move on to another plane, place, way of being...?

1 comment:

  1. You are like tomb raider for ghosts! Glad to see this place has brought a new adventure for you. The site looks good !
