Thursday, July 9, 2015

When you find the blessings in the curse...

Blogging challenge day 6....

I believe I have survived most of my latest crazy experiences due to the concept of  "I choose to see the blessing in this...."  It either takes a lot of conviction or a lot of pain to use this new muscle of stepping out of feeling like a victim and being open to the perspective that there is an unknown and unseen blessing in the situation....except that it takes patience to receive the pay-off and rewards when you finally have hind-site.

  When I turned 40, I was on top of the world.  I had shaved off all my hair the year before, spent 6 wild months on an active volcano, returned to Texas only to experience Hawaii magic equally in Austin.  I shed 20 pounds and lived in an amazing house, had great friends and a magical dog.  I was self-employed and felt empowered.  Yet part of me was done with Austin.  It was time for new frontiers and it wasn't Hawaii, for now.  
  I chose to relocate to the Bay Area in Northern California, first destination: cooking at a hot springs called Avalon.  It was an epic journey cross country after eliminating my possessions of 20 years and holding impromptu garage sales.  I left my dog with an ex, I was planning to return in 2 months to retrieve her.  
  In the dawn hour after the night I arrived in Oakland, CA, not even 3 days after leaving TX, I am informed of the loss of my dog, Magic Chinz, hit by a car.  I could not believe it, I had only arrived, I was planning to return in such a short time and looked forward to introducing her to the Pacific.

Now, I thought I would just find a place to settle and create a new life for myself.  Anything was possible, I was totally open to any great town, job or opportunity.  Little did I know that I would be traveling and moving for 5 years.  I would never have been able to spend so much time in Hawaii, been able to live in so many different countries, if I still would have had her.  I knew her contract was with me only, many loved and wanted her, she was welcomed by so many.    But I would have felt guilty to be away. 

  She was an angel in my life, I had never experienced any being in my life be that loyal and consistent.  She was at my bedside every day for 9 years straight  and loved me unconditionally.  I did not have to train her with treats, love was always her reward.  She was one of the biggest blessings in my life.  And I would have never gotten to know myself how I moved alone in the world and the risks I got to take and the places I got to see.  She set me free.  And I am forever changed by my journey, because from 40, my life felt like a rapid decline for a few years, considering how on top of the world I felt and with how much trust and gusto I left my old world behind.

Right before that, I had helped oversee a farm house renovation, turning into a riding school for children with autism.  It took me 6 months of blood, sweat and tears and firing many crews, touching every surface of that house with my own hands in some shape or form. The farm turned out beautifully, I went to Hawaii, and a year later I get a call that the school burned down to the ground.  I felt like I had my guts ripped out from inside of me.  It was an indescribable feeling of loss, grief, helplessness and disbelief. 

  The owners said the insurance covered everything, they were able to rent a neighboring house and horse meadow to their own home, which was ideal and practical for them and I was able for them to access my storage and take all kitchen supplies, bedding, towels and furniture that they needed in their new school house.  Then I did not need any storage for my belongings and they got to make use of it immediately in my absence.  It is hard to describe a loss of something you created, had pride and feelings of accomplishment in your work, it was an established school at the time it caught fire. 

  It felt like my mandala was raked.  All of that time and effort.  Completed.  Raked.  I can never prove my worth to anyone.  I know who I have become as a result of much loss.  More embodied and more accepting of my bones.  More understanding and compassionate.  More forgiving.

Let's not forget the time my rockstar drove our car onto a cliff and abandoned it last year after doing a hit and run and dragging a person in it...and never paying a dime, we still don't have a car.  This level of forgiveness....I assume are only for the masterful.  The upside?  This person revealed to me where I held my beliefs of my self-worth and value and that I, too, was done being a victim.  Thank you to all of my teachers. 

Have you found the blessing in some of your perceived curses?

Meet one of my angels, Magic Chinz. 
I found and rescued her from a tiger sanctuary in Gonzalez, TX in 2000

Calling in Rose Yoga ~ the Story of a Manifestation

Blogging challenge day 7....

Last year, I ended a 6 month coaching class, hoping I would start writing.  I never did write a thing.  I stated I wanted to start a movement called Rose Yoga.  But I started making jewelry:  empowering earrings, magic wands for your ears, to bring balance and courage on your journey.  Heart courage.  I dubbed it 'Rose Yoga' and fantasized starting a whole business around healing, with yoga, vibrational jewelry, aka rainbow warrior decor and tapping.  In groups, in private and on retreats.  Not to mention heart opening activities like swimming with dolphins!

  So, I started selling my jewelry at farmer's markets, making essential oil sprays called "Open", "Protection" and "Grounding" and I registered a Hawaii tax ID for GypsyRoseChariot, my designs.  I took a lot of pictures on my iphone and documented my surroundings in an isolated place, while my partner was working off island a lot.  I started tagging many of my pics with #roseyoga #gypsyrosechariot and #mahaloismybusiness.  I was the only person using these hashtags.  6 mos later, someone else in Australia was too.

  She was a yoga teacher in Sidney, her name was Michelle Rose and her business was Rose Yoga.  I thought, far out - that is really her name, so she deserves to use that cool name.  I started following her.  Over another 6 month period, we were both still using that hashtag.  Every time I saw one of beautiful, strong an powerful yoga shots, I was very inspired and the content of what she wrote about, was always about something I was just realizing in my life at the same time.  I was so mystified and jazzed that we were so connected in our consciousness. 

 I finally decided to google her and saw her website.  Everything she talked about was in alignment with my philosophy, work and way of addressing things in my life.  I watched all of her videos and wrote her instantly, sharing all the synchronicity.  I already had a red rose on my business card from the year before! I even had printed the word 'mahalo' on the back of it and had no idea I would end up living in Hawaii again at the time!  

Michelle responded instantly and before I knew it, I was enrolled in her 12 week apprenticeship to learn about opening your yin channel and step into balance and actually shift old patterns in your life.  Well, I gotta tell you, I am extremely picky and have a hard time trusting.  Turns out, she helped me immensely and in a week from now, she is arriving on island, where we are co-hosting 2 Rose Yoga Empowerment workshops.

Not to mention, that our work is so comparable, that she was so moved by my tapping session I introduced her to, that now I had to create a 12 week apprenticeship for her! Thanks to our auspicious union, I have a new dream to go to Australia and I officially opened my Gypsyrosechariot Training portal for people wanting to step into their heart courage, and cultivate a healing community around them in their home. 

 Thank you Michelle, for contributing to my life and inspiring me to create 3 new programs! So grateful to call myself an official Rose Yoga Personal Development Coach. :)

A few images from my rose yoga life...

Friday, July 3, 2015

Do you know you were born with a unique design and owner's manual?

Well, that is at least how I felt when I was finally introduced to Human design in 2011.  A system of information that was handed down to a man named Ra, that goes by your birth info.  You then receive an image and print out of your bodygraph, which shows in which energy centers in your body you are defined or undefined.  It does have a whole new language, but nevertheless fascinating, and possibly life changing.

  I have been following western astrology, not studying it, but finding some foundation and finding relevance, resonance and understanding from it.  Now I know I am a triple Leo (and I assume that most would bring this up at some point) :) and that I do portray many of those characteristics, with the sun being the guiding planet of the Leo: charismatic, generous, cowardly, bold, bully, fiercely loyal, etc.

However, not until I was at a very low point in my life, looking for meaning and sense, did Human Design fall back onto my radar
 - and it was a huge sigh of relief.  It showed me what type of make and model of human I am, how I best function and what I am designed to do in society.  It is a valuable tool to see your whole families chart, as you get to see the energetic equation.  Imagine if a new parent knew how their child naturally operated, it would so assist the parenting process.

There are a number of youtube videos available on your profile and type, and you may experience your body relaxing as you start hearing this, although at first is a bit foreign.  You do not have to believe in anything to investigate this information, they simply call it an experiment.  It is all about surrendering to how your body feels and that it knows what you need and want.  It is an experiment to trust that your body knows, and going beyond the technology of your mind and enter into 'energy technology' -- of course I love this term, as an energy medicine practitioner.

Here is one of the best gifts I can give you, if you are questioning certain aspects of your life and are insatiable with personal inquiry.  May I serve as a sign post, by living my design:  I am an introspective risk-taker and can tell you where to go and what NOT to do, as I have been everywhere, and I can spare you some hassle.  And I am ineffective when I a Leo, I can tell you this made me feel impotent and unimportant, so in this struggle, finding out with HD, that I have to wait to be seen and invited, that is all I need to know.

My fulfillment is, that when you receive great benefit from this information, I will have done my job well.  To make this world a more intelligent planet.

To get your free RAVE chart:

Let me know what you learn and if this resonates in the comments below!


Bend Spoon!

Bend Spoon!

Turning spoons into money - how can we attract something we are afraid of?

How come I can't hold onto money?
Why do I only seem to get lucky sometimes and then it feels scarce again?
When am I ever going to make enough money to get out of debt?
What if I am scared of how hard I would have to work to make ends meet?

People never understand why they can't change their status quo.  In relationships, in finances, in their health. The common denominator is that the core belief is that you have to work harder and you don't really deserve good fortune on some secret level.  So you don't truly ask for what you want. 

Because what if you got something you don't even know that you can handle yet?  

In my field of personal development, people really only want to improve by thinking positive, yet their body is riddled with fear and anxiety.  People are having panic attacks all over the place.  They want a shift in their life and they do not want to face the music of all the bad experiences they have had in their lives.  They don't want to feel the painful memories that they tucked away at every turn, still looking for something better.

Well, guess what - the only way out is through. If you want abundance to come your way, you need to examine all 'dangerous' beliefs and feelings you have about money.  You may be surprised all the feeling you have that are building a brick wall from money to keep you safe! And asking for something we want, demand it - why that is poor behaviour - who would be rewarded for wanting and willing something to improve their life?

I have heard people say that money is scarce, you might be afraid of losing friends if you get rich, who will you become if you were successful, maybe one of your parents worked too hard and was never there, money breeds greed, it's blood money, it's dirty, it's fleeting, etc.`  When will we stop putting people on is good to have inspiration, support and praise, but truly, in spirit, there is no hierarchy.  If they can do it, so can you - they have just figured some things out before you.  What if you could access that it is your birthright to dream and ask for what you want.  

What if you change your perspective to: the universe wants to fulfill you?
What if we can forgive ourselves for being scared of out-doing our friends and family?  What if we released the fear to move away from people we love, just because we know it is time for us to expand?

What if we felt safe enough in body, mind and spirit to expectantly ask for our desires?  Make a list how you will benefit and who will benefit.  How would you give back?  How do you give back now?

Art by Barry Wilkinson, Big Island

Have you ever heard of bending spoons?  Have you ever tried it?  Go ahead and google it, you will find a few youtubes giving you instructions, I highly recommend trying it.  It will put you into childhood, magical awe.  It shows you that when you suspend belief, try something without attachment, demand it: "bend spoon!", then detach from the outcome, distract your thoughts for a minute, then try and push your spoon - it should just bend back with ease, as if melting under the touch of your fingers.  That moment is when you enter that magical space.

The outcome is, you receive a bent spoon.  What if you looked at money with curiosity, and then playfully command it to come to you.  What if you do it flirtatiously?  What if you see money as a key to improve your life and try and seduce it?  It is time to step into your power of your worthiness, decide how you want to feel or how much abundance you are choosing to create.  Then claim it, the universe is waiting for your order!

Here are some great commands after you state your wish confidently:

It's done!

          Come find me!

Let's do this!

          Deliver it!

It is commanded!

          I'm ready!

What would it take for you to inherently ask for what your heart truly desires, as detailed as you prefer, everything between that, de-story, release, delete, un-create.

Thank you.

You got this.  Anything can happen!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Changing your mind with flowers - your body will thank you for it

Being in the field or business of energy medicine, I am completely taken by flower remedies, aka vibrational flower essences.  Perhaps you have heard of Bach Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy, which has existed since I have considered myself a grown up and you can pretty much get at every check out aisle at Whole Foods.  It is basically the vibrational essence of the flower and the qualities it represents affect your emotional body, aka emotional state and awareness. 

  You see, we are constantly reacting to our environment and our thoughts.  When we do take the time to go for a walk in nature to 'clear our mind' don't we immediately feel better?  Sometimes it is the oxygen and sometimes it may feel like it is the color therapy of the green leaves of the trees and the smiling faces of wild flowers and sun setting.  What if this is more healing than we can even imagine?

Well, if you can imagine it, it is most likely possible.  Now, flower essences are done by simply placing the freshly picked flower into a bowl of spring water and placing it into the sun.  The life essence or life force, then transfers into the water with the vibrant assistance of the sun.  Then you remove florals and preserve the water with brandy or vodka, so it will not spoil.  Somehow, in your imagination or not, this life force can be transferred to you as you place drops diluted in water into your water bottle or directly under the tongue, subtle like homeopathics, yet potent, like a huge hike in nature.  

  These flowers and plants assist us in our energetic fields to upgrade our previous states, like trauma or shock, which Rescue Remedy is designed for.  The best part is, you can not over dose on it, and if you happen to be a sensitive creature, you will notice results and assistance they provide immediately.  As I have upgraded my field and lived in a tropical island for the last 2 years, the flowers around me started speaking to me.  The recipe fell into my hands by a divine fairy, and before you knew it - I had a garden full of pharmaceutical benefits! 

  I have googled every one of the flowers that started speaking to me and all their qualities are documented world wide.  I am happy to report that they have encouraged and supported me and I have been delighted to share them with friends and family.  This world is so abundant in free gifts from nature, we just have to tune into them and accept their help.. When we really receive their vibrant messages, it makes us connected to the greater good.

  Tapping and concentrating on acceptance, compassion and forgiveness with life's struggles is my passion, yet offering flowers to support your journey - what better helpers can you ask for?  If you google the myriad of essences available and what they can help you with, your mind will truly be blown....and what is best, is that even your pets will greatly benefit!  Imagine curing their behavioral problems or insecurities!  It will save you tons of money on vet bills, not to mention on your own psychiatry bills.  I just read about a woman who cured her severe cold by taking essence of apple every few hours!  

The truth is, your body knows,and the more you listen, the more in tune you will become and will gravitate towards more available methods of self healing.  Since last month, I have added purple water lily, moon-lit passion flower, pink plumeria, white plumeria blossom, red and pink hibiscus, fern, papyrus, ginger lily, moon-lit wild orchid and ohia lehua blossoms.  I have not been this lit up about an offering in a long time.   Here is an example of what plumeria blossom can help with:

 Helps you recognize the need for pleasure as an essential daily nutrient in your life. Gives you permission to enjoy healthy forms of pleasure, which nourish and enliven you. An antidote to over-seriousness, brings a lighthearted, playful outlook on life.

Pictured:  Wood Roses

Other findings:
Spiritual Body Benefits:
·      Powerful connection to Angelic Realm
·      Expanded Intuitive Knowing
·      Appreciation for Inner Beauty
·      Openness to Divine Guidance
Emotional Body Benefits Shift from:
.     Trauma to Calmness
·      Agitation to Inner Peace
·      Fear to Trust
·      Limitation/Restriction to Freedom
·      Distorted Self-Image to Self Love     
Mental Body Benefits:
·      Clarity of thoughts
·      Seeing life through new positive perspectives and points of view
·      Recognizing and letting go of mind chatter
Physical Body Benefits:
Since the physical body displays symptoms of emotional and mental beliefs and patterns as disorders, the use of “Plumeria from Lumeria”, assists with ailments and illnesses relative to patterns held in the mental and emotional realms listed. Symptoms identifying themselves in the body as ‘dis-ease’ based on issues of the mental and emotional levels listed above, will be addressed as inner shifts on the emotional and mental levels are balanced.
Physical Benefits include clearing symptoms based false beliefs that manifest in the physical body:
·      Denying Beauty in healthy body form
·      Vitality during all life phases and chronological age
·      Aging
·      Degenerating cells
·      Diseases, conditions, patterns based on family lineage
It has been infused and blessed with five gifts representing each of the five petals on the plumeria flower:
1.      Power and Light of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth
2.     Blessings of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Metatron and Raziel
3.     Love and Compassion of Quan Yin and Mother Mary

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Is like cloud busting. What are you swinging at? Is it really there? Where is it? Standing underneath the lodge that was built in the 1850's, an 8 hr horse and carriage ride from San Francisco. People used to come to these springs to get healed. People passed here in the process.
People also left here, leaving their crutches and wheelchairs behind. However, now, in the tool area underneath the building, it is really creepy and spooky. It feels like a dungeon. There is a vintage freezer that looks like a sarcophagus from Egypt. Trust me, not a place you want hang out in at 9 pm on a full moon. Yet somehow, I thought it was a good idea that now would be as good of a time as any to remove these lost souls.

Although this place is extremely beautiful, frequently I am reminded of The Shining, and although I never saw it, the tool area could be a backdrop for SAW. So, I grabbed a powerful stick, a sage stick that is, my secret weapon to battle the ghosties tonight...

Well, I was not afraid. I asked archangel Michael to protect me and surround me with the diamond shield, so nothing can penetrate me. I then asked what the entity's job was, and who were they before this, and before that, and before that, and before that, etc., and who would they be in the future? All this while waving the sage in yin-yang motions in the air, saying "this is Veruschka, it is November 2nd, 2009 and this place is transforming. You are no longer needed, it is time to go to your next assignment."

Then, I could energetically sense, that a soul had some heaviness and was blaming themselves, like they did not deserve to leave that dark area, and I did EFT with them and asked them to forgive themselves and move on. I forgave him. I tapped and saged and then cleared them through all time and space. The energy shifted, the darkest rooms felt comfy. The cats came in. Yep, you can even do EFT with the unseen. Then you say, "and so it is, and so it is and so it is..., thank you, thank you, thank you." It seems like I removed at least 1 to 5 ghosts, but hard to say. I'll keep you posted. The one I ghost-busted out of my cabin the night before is gone for sure, they were just being curious. Just make sure you are being like the alpha dog and puffing up your presence and speaking with strength and confidence, you are just giving them directions to move on to another plane, place, way of being...?